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Hi, my name is {your name} from IELTS LMS, and today I want to share with you the fastest path you can take to succeed on IELTS LMS and the tools we provide to help you get there. Here at IELTS LMS, we see thousands of trainers start and scale their businesses online every day. Watching the trainers that find success fast, we see some common threads that we want to share with you.

The one common thread we see across all trainers on IELTS LMS who find success fast is that they truly embody the sentiment that done is better than perfect. You are so much better off getting your products launched and out into the world, getting feedback, and then improving them as you go rather than sitting and waiting and perfecting something that may or may not ever be up to your standards.

In this demo, I’m going to share with you the three primary steps you need to take to get a product launched and out into the world and the tools that we provide you with that make the entire process as easy as possible.

So let’s dive in and talk about what products you can create with IELTS LMS and where might be the best place for you to start. The first step to building and scaling a powerful online business with IELTS LMS is creating your first product. There are three primary products you can build with IELTS LMS: digital downloads, coaching products, and online courses.

A digital download can be as simple as a PDF. Think of a planner, an ebook, or even a way to sell access to your group coaching or other offerings. Coaching products are a fantastic way to develop and refine your curriculum as well as packaging your time into a clear product that provides a transformation based on live coaching sessions or the like.

Finally, an online course is the highest value way to provide a transformation to your ideal customer. Whichever product you start with and however your business grows, one thing you can always be sure of is that your students are having an incredible experience.

We hear all the time from our creators that the student experience is one of the primary reasons that they choose IELTS LMS. They know that all of the hard work they’ve put into building a creative and impactful product doesn’t get lost in translation when the student actually gets to experience the product.

Now I want to talk about the next step we see all successful creators take in their first 60 days on IELTS LMS. An online course doesn’t have to be some grand magnum opus teaching everything you know to your future students. We constantly find creators innovating new ways to use the course product, and now more than ever, with tools like AI, you can have a powerful product up and running in weeks.

One of the most powerful and honestly coolest tools that IELTS LMS can offer you is our AI curriculum generator. So say you know what you want your online course to be about but you don’t exactly understand what that would look like in an actual online course. All you have to do is type a description of what you want your course to be about into the AI generator, give it a second to think, and it’ll crank out a powerful outline that you can use to fill in the blanks and create an incredible experience for your future customers.

Also, don’t forget you can release an online course in sections. You can drip it out over time. So start with just one lesson or section and build as you grow. You can publish anytime and continue adding to it as you have new content.

There are also plenty of other very easy ways to get an online course launched and out into the world. If you already have content like YouTube videos, you can embed those videos into an online course, structure them in a clear A to B transformation, and you can have a course up and running in days. You can also use the same functionality for getting your online webinars or coaching sessions.

One of the most valuable things IELTS LMS offers is unlimited video and file storage. This allows you to truly build as you grow without worrying about the backend management. You can focus on the part that matters: being creative and trying new and different forms of content without any of the stress of making sure that you’re under some arbitrary cap of storage that could limit your creativity and opportunities.

And finally, I want to talk about the last step you can take to guarantee that you are building a successful online business with IELTS LMS in no time. Like I’ve been saying this whole time, the most impactful thing you can do for your business on IELTS LMS is to launch a product. We’ve seen over the years that creators who launch a product within their first 60 days on IELTS LMS get fifty percent more students and income within the next 10 months.

So by launching a product as quick as you can, you are highly increasing your chances of being successful over time. One of the most powerful tools we offer here at IELTS LMS is the App Hub. Our App Hub is a continually growing collection of integrations that make sure all of the tools you use to build your successful business can work together to help you grow.

This means that once you set up an integration between your tools, you don’t have to go back and forth managing how they all work with each other, and you can be creating a powerful system that functions for you in your sleep.

We also offer a variety of ways for your customers to buy your product, such as Mobile Pay, which allows your customers to buy your products on the go, and Buy Now Pay Later, which means your customers can make the commitment to the transformation you’re offering without worrying about the money right away.

On the backend, IELTS LMS Pay manages all of those payments for you and can even help you take care of all the taxes and complexities that come with being an online business owner. This, along with all of the other things I’ve talked about, is how IELTS LMS has built an incredibly powerful product that makes it easy and fast for you to scale and grow your online business with knowledge-based products.

So if you’re committed to growing and scaling your business, whether that’s just as a side hustle or to become a full-time knowledge-based creator, IELTS LMS is dedicated to being your partner in that journey. Thank you so much for spending your time with us today. We can’t wait to see what you build and the impact it has on the world, and we’ll see you soon.

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